Sustainable Education on Trips

Building sustainable lifestyles

AWorld is the official platform in support of ACTNOW, the United Nations campaign for individual action on climate change and sustainability. We use it to inspire your students to take actions on their trips and beyond. 

Using our methodology of inquiry, action and reflection students will create new sustainable habits during the trip and log them in a fun application.

Sustainable educational trips LATAM

Step-by-step process

Step 1: Download the app

Step 2: Measure your carbon footprint

Step 3: Share your findings

Step 4: Complete a story & reflect

Step 5: Complete another action & reflect

Step 1

Download the United Nations official app AWorld App by clicking here. You will then need to create a profile. This should take around 5 minutes. 



Step 2

Measure your carbon footprint. You can measure your annual CO2e emissions in the app by going to your profile, then footprint and scrolling to the bottom to measure Food, Home, Shopping, and Transport.


Step 3

Share your findings with us, reflecting upon the result – i.e was it what you expected?  What can you do in the future to reduce your footprint? Are you above the average? What can  you change to reduce your footprint? 


Step 4

Complete more actions and share. You can find the actions at the bottom of the app in the middle. Click on explore actions and choose an action for you to do today. Logging daily actions helps create habits to  live more sustainably. Even the smallest ones have a positive impact. Start making a difference now!



Step 5

Complete new actions and stories every day for a week and share your results in your class or with your travel group. Answer these questions: What surprised you about the results? How do you feel about taking actions on a daily basis? Why do you think small actions matter?

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